MARC状态:审校 文献类型:西文图书 浏览次数:2
- 题名/责任者:
- Progress in nuclear energy. Series 10. Law and administration.
- 出版发行项:
- London ; New York : Pergamon Press.
- 0079-6549
- 载体形态项:
- v. ; 24 cm.
- 起止卷期:
- v. 1- 1959-
- 变异题名:
- Law and administration
- 先前出版物:
- Progress in nuclear energy. Series 8, The economics of nuclear power, including administration and law 0555-411X
- 后续出版物:
- Progress in nuclear energy 0149-1970
- 后续出版物:
- Progress in nuclear energy. Series 12, Health physics 0079-6557
- 后续出版物:
- Progress in nuclear energy. Series 9, Analytical chemistry 0079-6530
- 后续出版物:
- Progress in nuclear energy. Series 8, The economics of nuclear power incuding administration and law 0555-411X
- 后续出版物:
- Progress in nuclear energy. Series 7, Medical sciences 0555-4101
- 后续出版物:
- Progress in nuclear energy. Series 6, Biological sciences 0555-4098
- 后续出版物:
- Progress in nuclear energy. Series 5, Metallurgy and fuels 0555-408X
- 后续出版物:
- Progress in nuclear energy. Series 3, Process chemistry 0079-6514
- 后续出版物:
- Progress in nuclear energy. Series 1, Physics and mathematics 0555-4055
- 个人责任者:
- Marks, Herbert S.
- 附加个人名称:
- Marks, Herbert S., 1907-1960.
- 论题主题:
- Nuclear energy-International control.
- 论题主题:
- Nuclear energy-Law and legislation.
- 中图法分类号:
- D815
- 连接款目附注:
- Merged with: Progress in nuclear energy. Series 1, Physics and mathematics, ISSN 0555-4055; Progress in nuclear energy. Series 2, Reactors, ISSN 0555-4063; Progress in nuclear energy. Series 3, Process chemistry, ISSN 0079-6514; Progress in nuclear energy. Series 4, Technology, engineering and safety, ISSN 0079-6522; Progress in nuclear energy. Series 5, Metallurgy and fuels, ISSN 0555-408X; Progress in nuclear energy. Series 6, Biological sciences, ISSN 0555-4098; Progress in nuclear energy. Series 7, Medical sciences, ISSN 0555- 4101; Progress in nuclear energy. Series 8, The economics of nuclear power, including administration and law, ISSN 0555-411X; Progress in nuclear energy. Series 9, Analytical chemistry, ISSN 0079-6530; Progress in nuclear energy. Series 11, Plasma physics and thermonuclear research, ISSN 0555-4136; Progress in nuclear energy. Series 12, Health physics, ISSN 0079-6557 to form: Progress in nuclear energy, ISSN 0149-1970.