MARC状态:审校 文献类型:西文期刊 浏览次数:26
- 出版发行项:
- London : The Institute, 1909-
- 0020-2975
- 载体形态项:
- 101 v. : ill., diagrs. ; 21-28 cm.
- 起止卷期:
- Ceased with: v. 101 (Dec. 1973).
- 起止卷期:
- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1909)- .
- 后续出版物:
- Metals technology (London)
- 其他相关款目:
- Metallurgical reviews, v. 1-16; 1956-71 0076-6690
- 其他相关款目:
- Institute of Metals. Bulletin of the Institute of Metals, v. 1, pt. 1-v. 8; Sept. 1951-Dec. 1966
- 其他相关款目:
- Metallugical abstracts, 1931-33; ser. 2, v. 1, pt. 1- 1934-6 ; ser. 3, v. 1, pt. 1-v. 2, Jan. 1966-1967.
- 团体责任者:
- Institute of Metals.
- 论题主题:
- Metallurgy-Periodicals.
- 论题主题:
- Metals-Periodicals.
- 中图法分类号:
- TG
- 出版周期:
- Monthly, 1940-
- 先前出版周期:
- Semiannual, 1909-39
- 引文/参考附注:
- International aerospace abstracts 0020-5842
- 编号特点附注:
- Monthly issues lack numbering.
- 补编附注:
- Vol. 12 accompanied by supplement.
- 累积索引附注:
- Vols. 1-25, 1909-21; Subject index: Vols. 26-63, 1921-38. 1 v.; Name index: Vols. 26-63, 1921-38. 1 v.
- 连接款目附注:
- Issued 1966 with v. 11 of: Metallurgical reviews, which for v. 12-16, 1967-71, was issued with: Metals and materials.
- 连接款目附注:
- Issued Sept. 1951-Dec. 1966 with: Bulletin of the Institute of Metals, which merged with: Metallurgist, to form: Metals and materials, 1967-
- 连接款目附注:
- Issued 1931-65, with Metallurgical abstracts, which continued as a separate publication with ser. 3, v. 1, pt. 1-v. 2, pt. 12, Jan. 1966-1967.
索书号 | 条码号 | 年卷期 | 馆藏地 | 书刊状态 |
(E)/TG/4 | 110001040 | 1955.1956 v84 | 密集书库 | 可借 |
(E)/TG/4 | 110005511 | 1954.1955 v83 | 密集书库 | 可借 |