西文图书1.The English Duden : a pictorial dictionary / Rev. ed. H316/F139(X)
可借复本:1 Fachredaktionen of the Bibliographisches Institut.
Librairie Marcel Didier, c1960.
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西文图书2.The English Duden : a pictorial dictionary / 41.685/Q2, H316/F139
可借复本:14 The Fachredaktionen of the Bibliographisches Institut.
Librairie Marcel Didier, c1960.
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西文图书3.The English Duden : a pictorial dictionary / 41.685/R454
可借复本:1 edited by the Fachredaktionen of the Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim, and the Modern Languages
Librairie Marcel Didier, c1960.
(0) 馆藏