西文图书1.International developments in experimental mechanics / O348-53/R831
可借复本:2 Rossi, B. E.
The Society ; c1982.
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西文图书2.Welding engineering. TG4/R831
可借复本:1 Rossi, B. E.
McGraw-Hill, 1954.
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西文图书3.Experimental mechanics : proceedings of the Congress, held in New York, NoV.1-3, 1961 / TB301-53/I61-2
可借复本:1 International Congress on Experimental Mechanics( :
Pergamon, 1963.
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西文图书4.Experimental mechanics 2 : proceedings of the 2d SESA International Congress, held in Los Angeles, o 52.58Q6
可借复本:2 Sponsored by Society for Experimental Stress Analysis. Ed. by B. E. Rossi.
Conn., 1966.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书5.Experimental mechanics 2 : proceedings of the 2d SESA International Congress, held in Los Angeles, o 52.083/I61
可借复本:1 Sponsored by Society for Experimental Stress Analysis. Ed. by B. E. Rossi.
Conn., 1966.
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