西文图书1.International Conference on Atmospheric Turbulence, 1971. P421/I61
可借复本:2 International Conference on Atmospheric Turbulence
Royal Aeronautical Society, 1971.
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西文期刊2.Atmospheric propagation and remote sensing : 21-23 April 1992, Orlando / (E)/P4/12
可借复本:1 Anton Kohnle. chairs/editors
SPIE, c1992.
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西文期刊3.Atmospheric propagation and remote sensing III : 5-7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida / (E)/P4/7
可借复本:6 Walter A. Flood, Walter B. Miller, chairs/editors ; sponsored and published by SPIE--the Internat...
SPIE, c1994.
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西文图书4.The structure of atmospheric turbulence / P421/L958
可借复本:1 Lumley, John L.
Interscience Publishers, 1964.
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西文图书5.Imaging through the atmosphere : [seminar] March 22-23, 1976, Reston, Virginia / O43-53/S678
可借复本:2 Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers.
SPIE, c1976.
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西文图书6.Laser beam propagation in the atmosphere : April 5-6, 1983, Arlington, Virginia / TN24-53/P963/410
可借复本:1 J. Carl Leader, chairman/editor.
SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, c1983.
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西文图书7.Laser beam propagation in the atmosphere / TN24/S921
可借复本:1 Strohbehn, J. W.
Springer-Verlag, 1978.
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