西文图书1.Sulfur in the atmosphere : proceedings of the international symposium held in Dubrovnik, Yugoslav... X51-532/H968
可借复本:2 Husar,R. B.
Pergamon, 1978.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书2.Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. System no. 9, S, sulfur. Supplement volume. 8th ed. O61-62/G569(8)/9:4
可借复本:1 Gmelin, Leopold,
Springer, 1978-
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西文图书3.Acid rain and transported air pollutants : implications for public policy. TU993.2/U58
可借复本:1 United States.
Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology Assessment ; [1984]
(0) 馆藏
西文图书4.Brimstone : the stone that burns ; the story of the Frasch sulphur industry / 74.82/H424
可借复本:1 Haynes, Williams,
Van Nostrand, c1959.
(0) 馆藏