- 000 01286nam0 2200301 450
- 010 __ |a 7-03-000932-0 |d CNY29.70
- 099 __ |a CAL 012000486786 |a CAL 012001171692
- 100 __ |a 19950822d1989 km y0chiy50 ea
- 200 1_ |a 铁电体及有关材料的原理和应用 |A tie dian ti ji you guan cai liao de yuan li he ying yong |f (美) M·E·莱因斯, A·M·格拉斯著 |g 钟维烈译
- 210 __ |a 北京 |c 科学出版社 |d 1989
- 312 __ |a 译自:Principles and applications of ferroelectrics and related materials/M. E. Lines and A. M. Glass. -- Oxford: Univ. Pr., 1977
- 500 10 |a Principles andapplications of ferroe lectrice and related materials |A Principles Andapplications Of Ferroe Lectrice And Related Materials |m Chinese
- 606 0_ |a 铁电体 |A tie dian ti
- 701 _1 |a 莱恩斯 |A Laiensi |g (Lines, Malcolm E.) |3 CAL n2004529024# |7 jt0yjt0y |7 ec0yec0y
- 701 _1 |a 格拉斯 |A Gelasi |g (Glass, Alastair M.) |3 CAL n2004521904# |7 jt0yjt0y |7 ec0yec0y
- 702 _0 |a 钟维烈 |A Zhong Weilie |c (物理) |3 CAL n2004276181# |7 jt0yjt0y |7 ec0yec0y
- 905 __ |a AUSTL |d 53.819/121