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刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年 索书号
1 AAPG bulletin. 0149-1423 American Association of Petroleum Geologists, c1974- (E)/TE1/1
2 ACM SIGPLAN notices : a monthly publication of the Special Interest Group on Programming Languages. 0362-1340 ACM Press, [1991- (E)/TP31/1
3 ACM transactions on database systems. 0362-5915 Association for Computing Machinery, 1976- (E)/TP27/1
4 ACM transactions on mathematical software. 0098-3500 Association for Computing Machinery, 1975- . (E)/TP31/4
5 ACM transactions on programming languages and systems. 0164-0925 Association for Computing Machinery, 1979- (E)/TP31/3
6 AIAA journal. 0001-1452 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1963- (E)/V/1
7 AJR, American journal of roentgenology. 0361-803X American Roentgen Ray Society, etc.], 1975- (E)/R8/1
8 ASLE transactions. 0569-8197 American Society of Lubrication Engineers] (E)/TH117/6
9 AT&T technical journal. 8756-2324 AT&T, c1985- (E)/TN/2
10 Abstracts A Technical coal press. 780B0001 (E)/TD/1
11 Abstracts A: coal & mining geology. Technical Intelligence Branch, Research & Development Department (Coal Processing & Combustion), 1976. (E)/TD82/2
12 Abstracts C : coal & mining geology. Technical Intelligence Branch, Research & Development Department (Coal Processing & Combustion), 1976. (E)/TD82/1
13 Abstracts C:Coal & Mining geology. 780B0001 (E)/TD82/3
14 Abstracts of current publications. (E)/TD7/1
15 Abstracts on hygiene and communicable diseases. 0260-5511 Bureau of Hygiene and Tropical Diseases, 1981- (E)/R1/1
16 Acarologia. 0044-586X Marc Vachon [etc.], 1959- (E)/Q96/1
17 Accounts of chemical research. 0001-4842, 0009-2665 American Chemical Society, 1968- (E)/O6/2, O6/Q2
18 Acta Anatomica Nipponica. 0022-7722 Japanese Association of Anatomists, (E)/R81/3
19 Acta Physica Sinica : the international journal of Chinese physics. Overseas ed. 1004-423X Science Press, 1992-99. (E)/O4/119
20 Acta Radiologica 0001-6926 Societies for Medical Radiology in Denmark, Finland, Holland, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland, 1920- (E)/R814/1
21 Acta biochimica et biophysica sinica 1672-9145 Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers, 2004- (E)/Q5/8
22 Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations of crystallography. 0108-7673 Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard, 1983- (E)/O7/1
23 Acta crystallographica. Section B, Structural crystallography and crystal chemistry. 0108-7681 Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard, 1967-1982. (E)/O7/2
24 Acta materialia 1359-6454 Pergamon, c1996- (E)/TF/14
25 Acta mathematica scientia = 数学物理学报. 0252-9602 Science Press, 1981- (E)/O1/1
26 Acta mechanica. 0001-5970 Springer-Verlag, 1965- (E)/O3/2
27 Acta metallurgica Sinica. Series A, Physical metallurgy & materials science. English ed. 1000-9442 Editorial Board of Acta Metallurgica Sinica ; [1988]-1993. (E)/TG/17
28 Acta metallurgica Sinica. Series B, Process metallurgy & miscellaneous. English ed. 1000-9450 Editorial Board of Acta Metallurgica Sinica ; -1992. (E)/TG/16
29 Acta metallurgica et materialia. 1359-6454 Pergamon Press, c1990-1995. (E)/TF/7
30 Acta metallurgica. 0001-6160 University of Toronto Press, 1953-1989. (E)/TF/5
31 Acta physica Polonica, A. 0587-4646 Pan?stwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. (E)/O4/115
32 Acta physica Polonica, B. 0587-4254 Panstwowe Wydawn. Naukowe [Oddzial w Krakowie] (E)/O4/116
33 Adhesives age. 0001-821X Communication Channels,etc.], 1958-. (E)/TQ43/1
34 Adsorption science & technology. 0263-6174 Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1984- (E)/O6/1
35 Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing IV / 0819412430 1994. (E)/TN2/79
36 Advanced materials & processes. 0882-7958 American Society for Metals, c1985- (E)/TG1/24
37 Advanced materials. 0935-9648 VCH Publishers, 1989- (E)/TB/1
38 Advanced optical instrumentation for remote sensing of the earth's surface from space : 27-28 Apr... 081940165x SPIE, c1992. (E)/TN2/58
39 Advances in applied probability. 0001-8678 Applied Probability Trust] (E)/O29/1
40 Advances in mathematics. 0001-8708 Academic Press, 1965- (E)/O1/5
41 Advances in mathematics. 0001-8708 Academic Press, 1965- (E)/O1/4
42 Advances in optical structure systems : 16-19 April 1990, Orlando, Florida / 0819403547 SPIE, c1990. (E)/O43/30
43 Advances in physics. 0001-8732 Taylor & Francis, 1952- (E)/O4/1
44 Aerospace Engineering Division. 0257-3423 (E)/V57/1
45 Alaska Mines & Geology. 780B0001 (E)/TD/2
46 Alcatel telecommunications review. English ed. 1267-7167 Alcatel Alsthom Publications, c1995- (E)/TN/1
47 Alerting abstracts bulletin. (E)/Z/1
48 Alphabetic subject index to Petroleum abstracts. University of Tulsa, Information Services Division (E)/TE/3
49 American Ceramic Society bulletin. 0002-7812 The Society], 1946- (E)/TQ1/1
50 American Mathematical society 0002-9939 American Mathematical Society, (E)/O1/8
51 American Mining Congress journal. 0026-5160 The Congress, 1978-1986. (E)/TD/4
52 American Society for Testing & Materials proceeding. 780B0001 Printed in Baltimore,Md. (E)/TB3/1
53 American Speech : A Quarterly of Linguistic Usage / 0003-1283 The University of Alabama Press 1925- (E)/H31/1
54 American journal of clinical pathology / 0002-9173 Williams & Wilkins Co., 1931- (E)/R36/9
55 American journal of mathematics. 0002-9327 Johns Hopkins University Press, [etc.], 1878- (E)/O1/6
56 American journal of obstetrics and gynecology. 0002-9378 C.V. Mosby Co., (E)/R71/1
57 American journal of ophthalmology. 0002-9394 Ophthalmic Pub. Co.], 1884- (E)/R77/1
58 American journal of physics. 0002-9505, 0002-9500 Published for the American Association of Physics Teachers by the American Institute of Physics], 1940- (E)/O4/2
59 American journal of physiology. 0002-9513 American Physiological Society [etc.] (E)/R33/3
60 American journal of public health : JPH / 0090-0036 The Association, (E)/R19/1
61 American machinist. (E)/TG/1
62 American scientist. 0003-0996 Sigma Xi, 1942- (E)/N1/7
63 Anaesthesia : Journal of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland. 0003-2409 Academic Press : Grune & Stratton [etc.], 1946- (E)/R614/1
64 Analytica chimica acta : An international journal devoted to all branches of analytical chemistry 0003-2670 Elsevier Pub. Co., 1947- (E)/O65/4
65 Analytica chimica acta. Elsevier Pub. Co., 1947- (E)/O65/3
66 Analytical abstracts. 0003-2689 Royal Society of Chemistry, 1954- (E)/O65/18
67 Analytical chemistry. 0003-2700 American Chemical Society, 1947- (E)/O65/2
68 Angiology. 0003-3197 Westminster Publications, (E)/R6/3
69 Annales de physique. 0003-4169 Les E?ditions de physique [etc.] (E)/O4/85
70 Annals of internal medicine. 0003-4819 American College of Physicians], 1927- (E)/R5/5
71 Annals of mathematics. 0003-486X Princeton University Press, etc.], 1884- (E)/O1/9
72 Annals of physics. 0003-4916 Academic Press, 1957- (E)/O4/3
73 Annals of surgery. 0003-4932 J.B. Lippincott [etc.], 1885- (E)/R6/1
74 Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases : 0003-4967 British Medical Journal, 1939- (E)/R5/7
75 Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology. 0003-4983 Academic Press [etc.], 1907- (E)/R5/8
76 Annual ReView. 780B0001 (E)/TD8/6
77 Annual Report. 0069-3030 The Royal Society of Chemistry. (E)/O6/5
78 Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. Section B, Organic chemistry / 0069-3030 The Society, c1968- (E)/O62/1
79 Annual review of biomedical engineering. 1523-9829 Annual Reviews, c1999- (E)/R318/2
80 Annual review of biophysics and bioengineering. 0084-6589 Annual Reviews, Inc., [1972]-1984. (E)/Q/15
81 Annual review of fluid mechanics. 0066-4189 Annual Reviews, inc., (E)/O35/1
82 Annual review of materials science. 0084-6600 Annual Reviews. (E)/TB3/2
83 Annual review of medicine. 0066-4219 Annual Reviews, Inc., 1950- (E)/R/7
84 Annual review of nuclear and particle science. 0163-8998 Annual Reviews, 1978- (E)/O57/7
85 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology. 0362-1642 Annual Reviews Inc., 1976- (E)/R9/2
86 Annual review of physical chemistry. Annual Reviews, inc. (E)/O64/1
87 Annual review of physical chemistry. 0066-426X Annual Reviews, inc. 1950- (E)/O64/19
88 Annual review of physiology. 0066-4278 Annual Reviews Inc. (E)/Q4/2
89 Anti-corrosion methods and materials. 0003-5599 Sawell Publications], 1966- (E)/TG17/1
90 Application note reference D.A.T.A. book. 0271-2326 D.A.T.A., inc., 1978-1979. (E)/TN3/5
91 Applications of optical engineering : proceedings of OE/Midwest '90 : 27-28 September 1990, Rosem... 0819404772 SPIE, c1991. (E)/TN2/15
92 Applications of surface science. 0378-5963 North-Holland Pub. Co., 1977-1985. (E)/O4/75
93 Applied Laser Radar Technology/ 0819411728 SPIE, c1993. (E)/TN95/2
94 Applied acoustics. 0003-682X Applied Science Publishers [etc.] 1968- (E)/O4/87
95 Applied economics. 0003-6846 Chapman and Hall [etc.], 1969- (E)/F/1
96 Applied ergonomics. 0003-6870 IPC Science and Technology Press [etc.], 1969- (E)/TB18/2
97 Applied linguistics. 0142-6001 Oxford University Press, 1980- (E)/H08/1
98 Applied mathematics a journal of Chinese universities. 1005-1031 Zhejiang University, 不详- (E)/TH/2
99 Applied mathematics and computation. 0096-3003 Elsevier [etc.], 1975- (E)/O29/3
100 Applied mathematics and mechanics = Ying yong shu xue he li xue. English edition. 0253-4827 Shanghai University of Technology, 1980- (E)/O29/4
101 Applied mathematics and optimization. 0095-4616 Springer, 1974- (E)/O29/2
102 Applied mathematics. Series B. English ed. 1005-1031 Zhejiang University Press, 1993- (E)/O1/10
103 Applied mechanics reviews. 6866-7726 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c19?- (E)/O39/1
104 Applied optics. 0003-6935 Optical Society of America, 1962- (E)/O43/24
105 Applied physics letters 0003-6951 American Institute of Physics, 1962- (E)/O59/3
106 Applied physics letters. Cumulative Index. American Institute of Physics, 1962- (E)/O59/4
107 Applied physics. 0340-3793 Springer-Verlag, 1973-1981. (E)/O4/97
108 Applied physics. A, Materials science & processing. 0947-8396 Springer-Verlag, c1995- (E)/O59/10
109 Applied physics. A, Solids and surfaces. 0721-7250, 1072-7250 Springer-Verlag, 1981-1994. (E)/O48/3
110 Applied physics. B, Lasers and optics. 0946-2171 Springer-Verlag, c1994- (E)/059/7
111 Applied physics. B, Photophysics and laser chemistry. 0721-7269 Springer-Verlag, 1981-c1993. (E)/O59/5
112 Applied scientific research. 0003-6994 Nijhoff, 1966-1997. (E)/O39/10
113 Applied spectroscopy. 0003-7028 Society for Applied Spectroscopy, 1951- (E)/O43/2
114 Applied surface science. 0169-4332 North-Holland, c1985- (E)/O4/72
115 Arbeit und Sicherheit. (E)/R13/1
116 Architectural design : A.D. 0003-8504 Standard Catalogue Co., 1971- (E)/TU2/1
117 Architectural record. 0003-858X McGraw-Hill, etc.], 1891- (E)/TU/1
118 Archive for rational mechanics and analysis. 0003-9527 Springer-Verlag, 1957- (E)/O3/1
119 Archives of biochemistry and biophysics. 0003-9861 Academic Press, c1951- (E)/O4/103
120 Archives of disease in childhood. 0003-9888 British Medical Association. (E)/R5/6
121 Archives of internal medicine. 0003-9926 American Medical Association., 1960- (E)/R5/2
122 Archives of otolaryngology. 0003-9977 American Medical Association, 1960-[1985]. (E)/R76/4
123 Archives of surgery. 0004-0010 American Medical Association], 1960- (E)/R6/2
124 Archives of virology. 0304-8608 Springer-Verlag, 1975- (E)/R51/1
125 Artificial Intelligence. 0004-3702 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (E)/TP27/3
126 Ashrae Transactons. 0001-2505 (E)/TG/2
127 Athletic journal. 0004-6655 Athletic Journal Pub. Co., 1921-1987 (E)/G8/2
128 Atmospheric Propagation and Remote Sensing II / california, c1994. (E)/O43/38
129 Atmospheric environment. 0004-6981 Pergamon Press, 1967- (E)/X2/1
130 Atmospheric environment. 1352-2310 Pergamon, c1994- (E)/X/9
131 Atmospheric propagation and remote sensing : 21-23 April 1992, Orlando / 0819408530 SPIE, c1992. (E)/P4/12
132 Atmospheric propagation and remote sensing III : 5-7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida / 081941526X SPIE, c1994. (E)/P4/7
133 Atomic Absorption & Emission Spectrometry Abstracts. 0309-1813 PRM Science & Technology Agency Ltd. (E)/O56/1
134 Atomic spectroscopy. 0195-5373 Perkin/Elmer Corp, 1980- (E)/O43/1
135 Atomospheric Propagation and Remote Sensing/ 081941204X SPIE, c1993. (E)/TP/17
136 Audio. (E)/TN912/1
137 Aufbereitungs Technik : Mineral processing 0004-783X AT Verlag fur Aufbereitung GmbH, 1960- (E)/TD9/1
138 Aufbereitungs-Technik. 0004-783X Verlag fèur Aufbereitung., TD9
139 Australian Mining. 0044-476X Thomson Publications Australia, (E)/TD/16
140 Australian concrete construction. 1034-7860 Redbank Press Pty Ltd, 1988- (E)/TU37/1
141 Australian journal of physics. 0004-9506 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, (E)/O4/52
142 Australian mining 0004-976X Tait. (E)/TD/5
143 Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 0146-4116 Allerton Press Inc. (E)/TP/1
144 Automatic machining. 0005-1071 Screw Machine Pub., [etc.], (E)/TP27/2
145 Automatica. 0005-1098 Pergamon Press. (E)/TP/3
146 Aviation week & space technology. 0005-2175 McGraw-Hill], 1960- (E)/V/2
147 The AIMM bulletin and proceedings. 0817-2668 Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, [1984]-1985. (E)/TD8/2
148 The AIMM bulletin. Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, [1984] (E)/TD8/5
149 The APEA journal/ 0084-7534 Australian Petroleum Exploration Association etc. 1961- (E)/TE1/4
150 The Americal Mathematical Monthly. 0002-9890 AThe Mathematical association of America
151 The American economic review. 0002-8282 American Economic Association, 1911- (E)/F17/1
152 The American journal of anatomy. 0002-9106 [s.n.], 1902-1991. (E)/R3/10
153 The American journal of human genetics / 0002-9297 The Society, 1949- (E)/Q98/1
154 The American journal of medicine. 0002-9343 Cahners Pub. Co., (E)/R/15
155 The American journal of pathology. 0002-9440 American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists, [etc.], 1925- (E)/R3/11
156 The American journal of science. 0002-9599 J.D. & E.S. Dana, 1880- (E)/P5/2
157 The American journal of the medical sciences : An International journal of biomedical research / 0002-9629 Slack Incorporaared, 1841- (E)/R/12
158 The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 0002-9637 Allen Press, etc.] (E)/R599/2
159 The American mathematical monthly / 0002-9890 The Association, (E)/O1/7
160 The American mineralogist. 0003-004X Mineralogical Society of America, 1916- (E)/P57/1
161 The Analyst. 0003-2654 Royal Society of Chemistry [etc.], 1876- (E)/O65/1
162 The Anatomical record John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1906- (E)/R6/14
163 The Anatomical record. 0003-276X A. R. Liss, 1906- (E)/R3/13
164 The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology. 0003-4894 Annals Pub. Co., 1897- (E)/R76/3
165 The Annals of probability. 0091-1798 Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 1973- (E)/O21/2
166 The Architectural review. 0003-861X Architectural Press Ltd.], 1896- (E)/TU/2
167 The Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine. 0003-9985 Collgeg of American Pathologists, 1976- (E)/R36/3
168 The Astrophysical journal. Supplement series. 0067-0049 Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society, 1954- (E)/P/16
169 The AusIMM bulletin / 1034-6775 The Institute, [1990- (E)/TD8/3
170 The Australian Coal Journal. 0815-6883 Australian Coal Industry Research Laboratories Ltd., (E)/TD/7
171 The annals of statistics. 0090-5364 Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 1973- (E)/O21/3
172 the australian institute of mining and metallurgy proceeding. 780B0001 (E)/TD8/4