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刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年 索书号
1 EDN : electrical design news. 0012-7515 Cahners, c1956- (E)/TN/9
2 ELT journal / 0951-0893 The University Press, 1982- (E)/H31/2
3 Earth and planetary science letters. Elsevier, 1966- (E)/P/1
4 Earth-science reviews. 0012-8252 Elsevier Pub. Co., (E)/P64/1
5 Economic geology & the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists. 0361-0128 Economic Geology Pub. Co., (E)/P5/15
6 Economist 0013-0427 London School of Economica & Political science Economica Publishing Office, (E)/F0/1
7 Educational technology. Educational Technology Publications, (E)/G43/1
8 Eighth international symposium on gas flow and chemical lasers: 1990: septomber:madrid / SPIE, c1990. (E)/TN2/42
9 Electric machines and electromechanics. 0361-6967 Hemisphere Pub. Corp.] (E)/TM3/2
10 Electric machines and power systems. 0731-356X Hemisphere Pub. Corp., c1983-2000. (E)/TM3/1
11 Electrical & Electronics Abstracts. The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Inc. (E)/TN/16
12 Electrical Product News. 0364-9369 Sutton Publishing Company,Inc. (E)/TN/18
13 Electrical World 0013-4457 McGraw-Hill, 1906- (E)/O43/6
14 Electrical power and energy systems 0142-0615 IPC Science and Technology Press] (E)/TM7/1
15 Electro optics. 0013-4589 Milton Publishing, 1971- (E)/O43/4
16 Electron spin resonance spectroscopy abstracts. 0301-7575 Science & Technology Agency. (E)/Z8/7
17 Electronic Technology for Engineers and Engineering Managers. 0012-7515 Cahners Publishing Company. (E)/TN/27
18 Electronic components & applications. 0141-6219 N. V. Philips' Gloeilampenfabrieken], 1978-1992. (E)/TN6/3
19 Electronic design. 0013-4872 Hayden Pub. Co., 1953- (E)/TN/15
20 Electronic engineering 0013-4902 Morgan-Grampiam Limited. (E)/TN/20
21 Electronic engineers master : EEM. 0732-9016 Tech Publishers, c1958- (E)/TN/10
22 Electronic engineers master catalog : EEM. 0732-9016 United Technical Publications, (E)/TN/11
23 Electronic progress. 0013-4961 Raytheon Manufacturing Company, c1956-c1982. (E)/TN99/1
24 Electronics & communications abstracts journal. 0361-3313 Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Inc., c1972- (E)/TN/14
25 Electronics Communication Engineering Journal. 0954-0695 the Institute of Electrical Engineers. (E)/TN91/6
26 Electronics Week. 0748-3252 McGraw-Hill,Inc. (E)/TN/17
27 Electronics and power : the journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. 0013-5127 The Institution, c1964- (E)/TN/25
28 Electronics industry. 0307-2401 Lesterstar ltd.] (E)/TN/21
29 Electronics letters 0013-5194 The Institution of Electrical Engineers. (E)/TN/23
30 Electronics world. 0013-5232 Ziff-Davis Pub. Co.], 1959-71. (E)/TN/52
31 Electronics. 0883-4989 Penton Publishing,Inc. (E)/TN/13
32 Electronics. 0013-5070 Mc-Graw-Hill,Inc. (E)/TN/22
33 Elektor. 0308-308X Elektor Publishers Ltd., c1974-c1984] (E)/TN6/2
34 Elektro Technik. 0013-581X Vogel-Verlag, (E)/TP2/1
35 Encounter. 0013-7073 (E)/I/2
36 Encyclopedia on cathode-ray oscilloscopes and their uses / 2d ed. J. F. Rider Publisher, inc., 1959. (E)/TN3/8
37 Energy & environment. 0958-305X Multi-Science Pub. Co., 1990- (E)/X/2
38 Energy and buildings. 0378-7788 Elsevier Sequoia S.A. 1977- (E)/TU/11
39 Energy research abstracts comulative index (E)/TK01/2
40 Energy research abstracts. 0160-3604 Technical Information Center, U.S. Dept. of Energy ; [1977-1995]. (E)/TK01/1
41 Energy. 0360-5442 Pergamon Press. (E)/TK/10
42 Engineering Fracture mechanics. 0013-7944 A. Wheaton & Co. Ltd,Exeter (E)/TB1/2
43 Engineering and mining journal. 0095-8948 McGraw Hill Pub. Co., 1926- (E)/TD/29
44 Engineering cybernetics. 0013-788X Scripta Pub. Co., (E)/TP27/15
45 Engineering design graphics journal. 0046-2012 Engineering Design Graphics Division, American Society for Engineering Education] (E)/TB2/4
46 Engineering geology. 0013-7952 Elsevier Pub. Co., 1965- (E)/P64/2
47 Engineering index annual. 0360-8557 Engineering Index Inc., c1968- (E)/T/1
48 Engineering materials and design. 0367-102X IPC Industrial Press Ltd., c1958-82. (E)/TB3/8
49 Engineering mechanics division 0044-7951 American seciety of civil engineers , 19?- (E)/O3/4
50 Engineering news-record. 0013-807X McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. [etc.], 1917- (E)/TU/12
51 Engineering structures. 0141-0296 IPC Science and Technology Press, 1978- (E)/TU3/1
52 Enginerring Design Graphics Journal. 0046-2012 EDG Journal (E)/TB2/1
53 English journal. 0013-8274 National Council of Teachers of English, etc.], 1912- (E)/H31/4
54 English teaching forum. 1559-663X U.S. Department of State : (E)/H319/1
55 English today. 0266-0784 Cambridge University Press, 1985- (E)/H31/3
56 Environment abstracts. 0093-3287 Bowker A&I Pub., 1974- (E)/X/3
57 Environmental & engineering goescience 1078-7275 The Association of Engineering Geologists, 2005. (E)/X/4
58 Environmental Development. 2211-4645 (E)/X/10
59 Environmental engineering 0954-5824 Policy Journals, 1965-1971. (E)/X/5
60 Environmental engineering the journal of the Society of Environmental Engineers. 0954-5824 (Print) EBSCO Publishing, (E)/X1/1
61 Environmental geology and water sciences. 0177-5146 Springer-Verlag, c1984-c1992. (E)/P69/1
62 Environmental geology. 0943-0105 Springer International, c1993- (E)/P69/2
63 Environmental pollution. 0269-7491 Great Britain by Galliard Ltd. (E)/X5/1
64 Environmental science & technology. 0013-936X American Chemical Society, c1967-. (E)/X/8
65 Ergonomics in Design. 0014-0139 The magazine of human factors applications, 2005- (E)/TB18/1
66 Estuarine, coastal and shelf science. 0272-7714 Academic Press in association with the Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association, 1981- (E)/P56/2
67 Euromicro journal. 0167-3858 North-Holland Pub. Co., 1978-1980. (E)/TP3/61
68 European journal of mechanics. A, Solids. 0750-7240 Gauthier-Villars, c1989- (E)/O3/6
69 European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids. 0997-7546 Gauthier-Villars, c1989- (E)/O3/3
70 Europhysics letters. 530F04 Editions de Physique, [1986- (E)/O4/102
71 Eurostatistik : daten for short-term economic analysis / 0252-8266 Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1982- (E)/F15/1
72 Excerpta Medica Adverse Reactions Titles. (E)/R/8
73 Excerpta Medica Ophthalmology. 0041-4169 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., (E)/R77/5
74 Excerpta Medica Plastic surgery. 0014-438X Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., (E)/R6/7
75 Excerpta medica Endocrinology. 0014-407X Elsevier Science Publisher B.V. 1972- (E)/R/9
76 Excerpta medica. Section 02, Physiology. 0367-1089 Elsevier Science B.V., 1969- (E)/R1/7
77 Excerpta medica. Section 06, Internal medicine. 0014-410X Elsevier Science B.V., 1947- (E)/R1/2
78 Excerpta medica. Section 09, Surgery. 0014-4134 Elsevier Science B.V., 1947- (E)/R6/8
79 Excerpta medica. Section 1. Anatomy, anthropology, embryology and histology. 0014-4053 Excerpta Medica, 1947- (E)/R3/8
80 Excerpta medica. Section 10, Obstetrics and gynecology. 0014-4142 Elsevier Science B.V., 1948- (E)/R71/5
81 Excerpta medica. Section 11, Oto-, rhino-, laryngology. 0014-4150 [Excerpta Medica Foundation], 1948- (E)/R76/2
82 Excerpta medica. Section 13. Dermatology and venereology. 0014-4177 Excerpta Medica, (E)/R75/1
83 Excerpta medica. Section 14, Radiology. 0014-4185 Excerpta Medica, 1947- (E)/R9/4
84 Excerpta medica. Section 15, Chest diseases thoracic surgery and tuberculosis. 0014-4193 Elsevier Science B.V., 1966- (E)/R76/1
85 Excerpta medica. Section 16, Cancer. 0014-4207 Excerpta Medica, 1972- (E)/R73/5
86 Excerpta medica. Section 17, Public health, social medicine and hygiene. 0014-4215 Excerpta Medica, 1955-1988. (E)/R1/6
87 Excerpta medica. Section 18, Cardiovascular diseases and cardiovascular surgery. 0014-4223 Excerpta Medica, 1966- (E)/R6/5
88 Excerpta medica. Section 2, Physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology. 0014-4061 Excerpta Medica Foundation, 1948-1964. (E)/R33/5
89 Excerpta medica. Section 20, Gerontology and geriatrics. 0014-424X Excerpta Medica Foundation, 1958- (E)/R5/10
90 Excerpta medica. Section 23. Nuclear medicine. 0014-4274 Excerpta Medica, 1964- (E)/R8/2
91 Excerpta medica. Section 24, Anesthesiology. 0014-4282 Excerpta Medica, 1966- (E)/R6/4
92 Excerpta medica. Section 25, Hematology. 0014-4290 Excerpta Medica, 1967- (E)/R5/11
93 Excerpta medica. Section 26. Immunology, Serology and transplanation. 0014-4304 Excerpta Medica Foundation, 1967- (E)/R3/7
94 Excerpta medica. Section 28, Urology and nephrology. 0014-4320 Elsevier Science B.V., 1969- (E)/R6/9
95 Excerpta medica. Section 29. Clinical biochemistry. 0300-5372 Excerpta Medica, 1973- (E)/R4/13
96 Excerpta medica. Section 2A, Physiology. 0367-1089 Excerpta Medica Foundation, 1965-1968. (E)/R33/1
97 Excerpta medica. Section 30, Clinical and experimental pharmacology. 0167-9643 Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992- (E)/R96/5
98 Excerpta medica. Section 30, Pharmacology and toxicology. 0014-4347 Excerpta Medica, 1969-1982. (E)/R9/3
99 Excerpta medica. Section 31, Arthritis and rheumatism. 0014-4355 Elsevier Science B.V., 1969- (E)/R68/1
100 Excerpta medica. Section 32, Psychiatry. 0014-4363 Excerpta Medica Foundation, 1969- (E)/R74/1
101 Excerpta medica. Section 33, Orthopedic surgery. 0014-4371 Elsevier Science B.V., 1969- (E)/R6/6
102 Excerpta medica. Section 35 , Occupational health and industrial medicine. 0014-4398 Excerpta Medica Foundation; 1971- (E)/R13/2
103 Excerpta medica. Section 36, Health policy economics and management. 0921-8068 Elsevier Science B.V., 1988- (E)/R1/5
104 Excerpta medica. Section 48. Gastroenterology 0031-3580 Excerpta Medica Foundation, (E)/R5/12
105 Excerpta medica. Section 5, General pathology and pathological anatomy. 0014-4096 Excerpta Medica, (E)/R3/3
106 Excerpta medica. Section 52, Toxicology. 0167-8353 Excerpta Medica, 1983- (E)/R9/5
107 Excerpta medica. Section VII, Pediatrics. 0014-4118 Excerpta Medica Foundation, (E)/R72/3
108 Excimer Lasers Applications,Beam Delivery Systems, and Laser Design 0819410365 1992. (E)/TN2/80
109 Excimer laser materials processing and beam delivery systems : 8-9 November 1990, Boston, Massach... 0819404446 SPIE, c1991. (E)/TN2/22
110 Excimer lasers and applications : ECO1, 21-23 September 1988 Hamburg,Federal Republic of Germany / 0819400580 SPIE, c1988. (E)/TN2/59
111 Excimer lasers and applications II : proceedings : ECO3, the Congress of EPS--the European Physic... 0819403253 SPIE, c1990. (E)/TN2/25
112 Exclusively for Designers and Design Managers in Electronics. 780B0001 Cahners Publishing Ca,Inc. (E)/TN/24
113 Experientia. 0014-4754 Verlag Birkhèauser, 1945-1996. (E)/N/4
114 Experimental and molecular pathology. 0014-4800 Academic Press, 1962- (E)/R3/4
115 Experimental mechanics. 0014-4851 Society for Experimental Stress Analysis, 1961- (E)/O34/2
116 Experimental mechanics. 00732-8818 Society for Experimental Stress Analysis, 1961-
117 Experimental parasitology. 0014-4894 Academic Press, 1951- (E)/R38/1
118 Experimental techniques. 0732-8818 Society for Experimental Stress Analysis, (E)/O34/3
119 Experiments in Fluids : Experimental Methods and Their Applications to Fluid Flow 0723-4864 Springer-Verlag 1983- (E)/O35/2
120 Explosives engineering. The Society of Explosives Engineering. (E)/TQ/25
121 The Engineering index monthly. 0742-1974 Engineering Information, c1984- (E)/T/2
122 The European physical journal. B. 1434-6028 EDP Sciences ; 1998- (E)/O4/94
123 The Explosives engineer. 0096-5677 Gordon Hunt, 1923-1961. (E)/TQ/27
124 The economist. 0013-0613 [Economist Newspaper Ltd., 1843- (E)/F/2