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刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年 索书号
1 Fatigue & fracture of engineering materials & structures. 8756-758X Pergamon Press, c1985- (E)/TB3/10
2 Ferroelectrics. 0015-0193 Gordon and Breach, c1970- (E)/TN/29
3 Fertility and sterility. 0015-0282 American Fertility Society [etc.], 1950- (E)/R71/8
4 Fiber Optic Sensors in Medical Diagnostics January 1993, Los Angeles, 0819411132 SPIE, c1993. (E)/TP2/6
5 Fiber and integrated optics. 0146-8030 Taylor & Francis [etc.], 1977- (E)/TN2/4
6 Fiber laser sources and amplifiers : 6-8 September 1989, Boston, Massachusetts / 0819402079 SPIE, c1990. (E)/TN2/24
7 Fiber laser sources and amplifiers II : 18-19 September 1990, San Jose, California / 0819404349 SPIE, c1991. (E)/TN2/31
8 Fiber laser sources and amplifiers IV : 10-11 September 1992 boston, massachusetts / 0819409685 SPIE, c1992. (E)/TN2/44
9 Fiber optic and laser sensors VII : 1989, Boston / 0819402052 The Society, c1990. (E)/TP2/7
10 Fiber optic and laser sensors VIII : 17-19 September 1990, San Jose, California / 0819404284 (pbk.) SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, c1991. (E)/TN2/29
11 Fiber optic sensors III : proceedings / 0819400467 SPIE, c1989. (E)/TP2/3
12 Filtration & separation. 0015-1882 Uplands Press, 1965- (E)/TQ/26
13 Fire Safety Journal : An International journal devoted to research on Fire Safety Science and Engine 0379-7112 Elsevier, 2005. (E)/X9/1
14 Fluid abstracts. Process engineering. 0962-7162 Elsevier, c1991- (E)/TH16/1
15 Fluidics Quarterly. 0015-4687 Delbridge publishing Company. (E)/TN/30
16 Fluorescence detection III : 16-18 January 1988, Los Angeles, California : part of the 1988 Innov... 0892529458 (pbk.) The Society, c1988. (E)/O43/33
17 Food Bioscience. 2212-4292 Elsevier,. (E)/TS2/1
18 Foreign affairs. 0015-7120 Council on Foreign Relations. (E)/D83/1
19 Forum English Teaching. (E)/H31/5
20 Forum for modern language studies. 0015-8518 Published for the University of St. Andrews by Oxford University Press [etc.] , 1965- (E)/H31/6
21 Fourth International Conference on Liquid and Amorphous Metals, 7-11 Juillet 1980, Grenoble, Fran... 2902731221 Les ?ditions de physique, 1980. (E)/TG1/27
22 Frontiers of biology in China. 1673-3509 Higher Education Press, 2006- (E)/Q/1
23 Frontiers of chemistry in China. 1673-3495 High Education Press, 2006- (E)/O6/28
24 Fuel abstracts and current titles. 0016-2388 Published on behalf of theInstitute of Fuel by IPC Science and Technology Press, c1960-77. (E)/O64/4
25 Fuel abstracts and current titles. (E)/O64/3
26 Fuel and energy abstracts. 0140-6701 published on behalf of the Institute of Fuel by IPC Science and Technology Press] (E)/O64/5
27 Fuel processing technology. 0378-3820 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. (E)/TK16/4
28 Fuel. 0016-2361 Butterworths Scientific Publications, 1948- (E)/TK16/3
29 Funk Technik. 0016-2825 Huthig und Pflaum Verlag, c1946- (E)/TN/89
30 Fuzzy sets and systems. 0165-0114 North-Holland, 1978- (E)/O15/2
31 forum for modern laguage studies Oxford Universitu Press, ?-.