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刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年 索书号
1 OMS. Organic mass spectrometry. 0030-493X Wiley [etc.], 1968-1994. (E)/O65/11
2 OPTICAL THIN FILMS IV:NEW DEVELOPMENTS/ 0819415863 California, c1994. (E)/TB/14
3 OR : the journal of the Operational Research Society. 0160-5682 Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society], 1978- (E)/O22/5
4 Obstetrics and gynecology / 0029-7844 Elsevier Science Inc., 1953- (E)/R71/10
5 Oceanographic literature review. 0967-0653 Pergamon Press, 19? (E)/P7/3
6 Oceans `82 conference record : industry, government, education ... partners in progress IEEE c1982. (E)/P7/4
7 Oil & gas journal. 0030-1388 Petroleum Pub. Co.] (E)/TE/4
8 Operating systems review. 0163-5980 ACM Special Interest Group on Operating Systems], 1970- (E)/TP3/50
9 Operations research (E)/O22/4
10 Ophthalmology. 0161-6420 Published for the American Academy of Ophthalmology by J.B. Lippincott Co., etc.] (E)/R77/7
11 Optica Acta : An International Journal of Modern Optica and Laser Physics 0030-3909 Taylor & Francis, 1954-86 (E)/O43/16
12 Optical and quantum electronics. 0306-8919 Kluwer Academic Press [etc.]. (E)/O46/2
13 Optical design and processing technologies and applications : 19 March 1992 Chicago,Illinois. / 0819409510 SPIE, c1992. (E)/TN2/43
14 Optical design methods, applications,and large optics : ECO1 19-21 September 1988 Hamburg, Federa... 0819400483 SPIE, c1988. (E)/TN2/68
15 Optical engineering. 0091-3286 Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1972- (E)/O43/11
16 Optical fibers in medicine VII : 21-22 January 1992, Los Angeles, California / 0819411205 SPIE, c1993. (E)/R31/3
17 Optical fibers in medicine VIII : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California / 0819411205 SPIE, c1993. (E)/R31/1
18 Optical fibres and their applications V : 21-23 February 1989, Warsaw, Poland / 0819401803 SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, c1990. (E)/TN2/19
19 Optical methods for ultrasensitive detection and analysis : techniques and applications : 21-23 J... 0819405256 SPIE, c1991. (E)/TN2/27
20 Optical scattering : applications, measurement, and theory II : 15-16 July 1993, San Diego, Cali... 0819412449 SPIE, c1993. (E)/TN14/1
21 Optical sensors : 16 December 1992, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan China / 0819410144 The Society, c1992. (E)/TN2/36
22 Optical space communication II : 10-11 June 1991, Munich, Germany / 0819406503 SPIE, c1991. (E)/TN2/8
23 Optical spectroscopic techniques and insteumentation for atmospheric and space research P479-650... 0819415901 SPIE, c1994. (E)/P4/9
24 Optically based methods for process analysis : 23-26 March 1992, Somerset / 0819408425 SPIE, c1992. (E)/TN2/52
25 Optics and laser technology. 0030-3992 Butterworth Scientific Ltd., 1970- (E)/TN2/2
26 Optics and lasers in engineering. 0143-8166 Applied Science Publishers, 1980- (E)/O4/43
27 Optics and photonics news. 1047-6938 Optical Society of America, c1990- (E)/TN2/7
28 Optics and spectroscopy. 0030-400X American Institute of Physics], 1959- (E)/O43/17
29 Optics communications. 0030-4018 North-Holland Pub. Co. (E)/O43/26
30 Optics letters. 0146-9592 Optical Society of America, 1977- (E)/O43/18
31 Optics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision III : 8-9 November 1988, Cambridge, Ma... 0819400408 SPIE, c1989. (E)/O43/29
32 Optik. 0030-4026 Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft m. b. H. , 1946- (E)/O4/42
33 Optoelectronics D.A.T.A. book. 0164-002X D.A.T.A., Inc., -1983. (E)/TN6/4
34 Optomechanical design of laser transmitters and receivers : 16-17 January 1989, Los Angeles, Cali... 0819400793 SPIE, c1989. (E)/TN2/13
35 Oral surgery, oral medicine & oral pathology. 0030-4220 C. V. Mosby Co. (E)/R78/2
36 Organic Mass Spectrometry. (E)/O62/3
37 Organic geochemistry. 0146-6380 Pergamon Press. 1977- (E)/P59/3
38 Organic, metallo-organic, and polymeric materials for nonlinear optical applications : 25-26 Janu... 0819414387 (pbk.) SPIE, c1994. (E)/TB3/34
39 optoelectronic component technologies : 16-18 December 1992 national chiao tung university hsinch... 0819410136 SPIE, c1992. (E)/TN3/1