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刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年 索书号
1 SCI science citation index 1989 : Number 1A. Institute for Scientific Information Inc., (E)/Z8/19
2 SHE, subject headings for engineering. Engineering Information, 1983- (E)/G254.23/1
3 SIAM journal on applied mathematics. 0036-1399 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, c1966- (E)/O29/7
4 SIAM journal on computing. 0097-5397 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1972- (E)/O29/11
5 SIAM journal on control and optimization. 0363-0129 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1976- (E)/O23/2
6 SIAM journal on mathematical analysis. 0036-1410 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1970- (E)/TB1/13
7 SIAM journal on numerical analysis : a publication of the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathemat 0036-1429 The Society, 1966- (E)/O29/8
8 SIAM review. 0036-1445 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1959- (E)/O29/10
9 SM archives. 0376-7426 Solid Mechanics Division, University of Waterloo, 1976-1985. (E)/O34/7
10 Safety Sciehce. 0925-7535 Elsevier, (E)/X9/2
11 Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases. 0036-5548 Almqvist & Wiksell, 1969- (E)/R51/2
12 Scholastic coach. 0036-6382 Scholastic, Inc., 1931- (E)/G80/1
13 Scholastic science world. 0162-8399 Scholastic Inc., etc.], 1974-1987. (E)/N1/2
14 SciQuest. 0190-597X American Chemical Society], 1979-1982. (E)/N49/3
15 Science & technology in Japan. 0286-0406 Three "I" Publications, [1982- (E)/T/6
16 Science China. Technological sciences / 1674-7321 Science China Press ; c2010- (E)/T/4
17 Science abstracts. Series A, Physics abstracts. 0036-8091 Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1967- (E)/O4/14
18 Science abstracts. Series A, Physics abstracts. Author & Subject index 530C0004 Institution of Electrical Engineers, (E)/O4/30
19 Science abstracts. Series A, Physics abstracts. Author index 0036-8091 Institution of Electrical Engineers, (E)/O4/17
20 Science abstracts. Series A, Physics abstracts. Author index Part 1 530C0004 Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1977- (E)O4/32
21 Science abstracts. Series A, Physics abstracts. Subject index 0036-8091 Institution of Electrical Engineers, (E)/O4/18
22 Science abstracts. Series A, Physics abstracts. Subject index Part A 530C0004 Institution of Electrical Engineers, (E)/O4/31
23 Science abstracts. Series B, Electrical & electronics abstracts. 0036-8105 Institution of Electrical Engineers, (E)/TN/65
24 Science and technology of energetic materials Japan Explosives Society, 2001- (E)/TB3/21
25 Science citation index. 0036-827X Institute for Scientific Information,Inc., 1961- (E)/Z8/12, Z89/S416
26 Science digest. 0036-8296 Family Media, Inc., 1988-1990. (E)/N7/1
27 Science in China. Series E, Technological sciences / 1006-9321 Science in China Press, 2006- (E)/N1/3
28 Science news. 0036-8423 Science Service, 1966- (E)/N1/1
29 Science of computer programming. 0167-6423 North-Holland Pub. Co., 1981-. (E)/TP31/8
30 Science progress. 0036-8504 John Murray, 1916- (E)/N1/4
31 Science. 0036-8075 The American Association for the Advancement of science, (E)/N/11
32 Scientific American. 0036-8733 Scientific American, Inc. 1973- (E)/N1/5
33 Scientific papers of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research. 0020-3092 The Institute, 1958-1991. (E)/O4/67
34 Scripta materialia / 1359-6462 (E)/TF/23
35 Scripta metallurgica et materialia. 0956-716x Pergamon Press, 1990- (E)/TF/22
36 Scripta metallurgica. 0036-9748 Pergamon Press], 1967-1989. (E)/TF/19
37 Second German Symposium on Laser Angioplasty. 1989, Berlin / 3609630507 ecomed verlagsgesllschaft mbH., c1990. (E)/R3/17
38 Sedimentary geology. 0037-0738 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co.], 1967- (E)/P5/59
39 Sedimentology. 0037-0746 Blackwell Scientific Publishers, 1962- (E)/P58/6
40 Selected articles from architectural journals. s. n. , c1982-84 (E)/TU/28
41 Selected articles from elevator Journals. (E)/TH21/1
42 Selected water resources abstracts / 0037-136X The Center, [1968]-1991. (E)/P33/5
43 Semiconductor diode D.A.T.A. book. 0091-9675 Derivation and Tabulation Associates, Inc., 1973-1976. (E)/TN/66
44 Semiconductor international. 0163-3767 Cahners Pub. Co., etc.], 1978-. (E)/TN3/2
45 Separation and purification methods. 0360-2540 M. Dekker, 1972- (E)/TQ/39
46 Separation science and technology. 0149-6395 M. Dekker], 1978- (E)/TQ0/7
47 Siberian mathematical journal. 0037-4466 Consultants Bureau, 1966- (E)/O1/47
48 Siemens review. 0302-2528 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft], (E)/TN/67
49 Signal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition : 20-22 April 1992, Orlando, Florida / 0819408646 SPIE, c1992. (E)/TN2/12
50 Signal. 2504-8218 the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association. (E)/TN92/3
51 Simulation. 0037-5497 (E)/TP3/53
52 Social sciences in China. 0252-9203 Social Science Pub. House of China, 1980- (E)/C031/1
53 Software world. 0038-0652 A. P. Publications, 1969- (E)/TP31/2
54 Software: practice & experience. 0038-0644 Wiley Interscience [etc.] (E)/TP31/9
55 Sol-Gel optics III P474-768 1994, Los Angeles, California / 0819416126 SPIE, c1994. (E)/O6/64
56 Solar age. 0160-8401 SolarVision, (E)/TK51/1
57 Solar energy materials / 3540110844, 0387110844 (U.S.) Springer-Verlag, 1982. (E)/TK51/3
58 Solar energy materials and solar cells. 0165-1633 North-Holland, 1992- (E)/TK51/2
59 Solar energy. 0038-092X Association for Applied Solar Energy, [1958- (E)/TK/11
60 Solid State Lasers IV January 1993 Los Angeles,Calif. 0819410918 SPIE 1993. (E)/TN2/78
61 Solid mechanics archives. 0952-4762 Solid Mechanics Division, University of Waterloo, 1986-1989. (E)/O34/8
62 Solid state abstracts journal. 0038-108X Cambridge Communications Corp., c1967-c1987. (E)/Z8/6
63 Solid state and superconductivity abstracts. 0896-5900 Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, c1988- (E)/Z8/13
64 Solid state communications. 0038-1098 Pergamon Press, 1963- (E)/O4/62
65 Solid state lasers II : 24-25 January 1991, Los Angeles, California / 0819405000 SPIE, c1991. (E)/TN2/33
66 Solid state lasers III : 20-22 January 1992, Los Angeles, California / 0819407739 SPIE, c1992. (E)/TN2/71
67 Solid state lasers and new laser materials: 1991:Sep. St. peterburg,russia./ 0819410659 SPIE, c1992. (E)/TN2/49, TN24-53/S755/1839:1
68 Solid state technology. 0038-111X Cowan Pub. Corp., c1968- (E)/TN/68
69 Sound & communications. 0038-1845 Sound & Communications Publications, etc.], 1970- (E)/TN91/4
70 Soviet Journal of Communications Technology & Electronics. 8756-6648 Scripta Technica,Inc. (E)/TN/69
71 Soviet Mining Science 0038-5581 plenum publishing Corp., 1965-. (E)/TD8/31
72 Soviet applied mechanics. 0038-5298 Consultants Bureau [etc.], -1992. (E)/O3/12
73 Soviet journal of computer and systems sciences. 0882-4002 Scripta Technica, Inc., c1985- (E)/TP27/5
74 Soviet physics, Doklady. 0038-5689 American Institute of Physics, 1956-1992. (E)/O4/82
75 Soviet physics, Uspekhi. 0038-5670 American Institute of Physics, 1958-1992. (E)/O4/81
76 Soviet studies. 0038-5859 Carfax Pub. Co., [etc.], 1949-1992. (E)/D75/1
77 Space optics 1994:Earth Obaservation and Astronomy / 0819415138 california, c1994. (E)/P1/1
78 Specfication and measurement of optical system : 14-16 September 1991 Berlin / 081940960X SPIE, c1992. (E)/O43/39
79 Special ISSCC issue on solid-state microwave circuits. IEEE, 1970. TN73/I59
80 Special libraries. 0038-6723 Special Libraries Association> (E)/G25/5
81 Specification and measurement of optical systems: 14-16 September 1992, Berlin,FRG / 0819415871 SPIE, c1992. (E)/TH74/5
82 Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy. 1386-1425 Pergamon, c1994- (E)/O65/5
83 Spectrochimica acta. Part B, Atomic spectroscopy. 0584-8547 Pergamon Press, 1967- (E)/O65/13
84 Spectroscopy letters. 0038-7010 M. Dekker, 1968-. (E)/O43/22
85 Spoken English. 0038-772X Pergamon Press, 1968-1997. (E)/H31/12
86 Stahl und Eisen. 0340-479X Verlag Stahleisen [etc.] 1881- (E)/TF/11
87 Stain technology. 0038-9153 Williams & Wilkins Co. [etc.], 1926-1990. (E)/Q3/4
88 Standardization news : SN. 1094-4656 American Society for Testing and Materials], 1985- (E)/T/8
89 Steel & coal. Fuel & Metallurgical Journals,. (E)/TF/4
90 Steels alert. 1048-0307 Metals Information, 1985- (E)/TF/13
91 Stochastic analysis and applications. 0736-2994 M. Dekker, c1983- (E)/O21/6
92 Stochastic processes and their applications. 0304-4149 North-Holland Pub. Co., 1973- (E)/O21/5
93 Studies in applied mathematics. 0022-2526 The MIT Press, c1969- (E)/O29/9
94 Superconducting devices & materials / 0039-5714 NBS, (E)/TM/15
95 Supplement of the progress of theoretical physics. 0375-9687 Progress of Theoretical Physics, 1955-c1983. (E)/O4/121
96 Surface & coatings technology. 0257-8972 Elsevier Sequoia, [c1986- (E)/TG1/19
97 Surface and interface analysis : SIA. 0142-2421 Heyden & Son, (E)/O4/98
98 Surface coatings international. JOCCA : journal of the Oil & Colour Chemists' Association. Part A, C 1356-0751 SURFEX Ltd., c2001- (E)/TQ/40
99 Surface measurement and characterization : ECO1 19-21 September, 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic... 0819400440 SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering, c1989. (E)/O46/3
100 Surface science reports. 0167-5729 North-Holland Pub. Co., 1981- (E)/O4/109
101 Surface science. 0039-6028 North-Holland Pub. Co., 1964- (E)/O4/51
102 Surface technology. 0376-4583 Elsevier Sequoia, (E)/TG17/3
103 Surface treatment technology abstracts. 0950-5199 Finishing Publications, [1986- (E)/TG/10
104 Surgery. 0039-6060 C. V. Mosby Co, 1937- (E)/R6/12
105 Survey A Journal of East & West Studies. 0039-6192 ASurvey Ltd. (E)/D5/1
106 Survey review. Directorate of Overseas Surveys of the ministry of Overseas Development. (E)/P2/17
107 Surveying and land information systems. 0039-6237 (E)/P2/16
108 Surveying and mapping. 0039-6273 aMERICAN CONGRESS ON SURVEYING AND MAPPING. (E)/P2/14
109 Surveying and mapping. aMERICAN CONGRESS ON SURVEYING AND MAPPING. (E)/P2/12
110 Systems integration. 1044-4262 Cahners Pub. Co., c1989- (E)/TP1/1
111 The Science & Art of Mining. 780B0001 Thos,Wall and Sons Ltd. (E)/TD/75
112 The Second International Conference on Computers and Applications, Beijing (Peking), Peoples' Rep... 0818607807 (pbk.) Computer Society Press of the IEEE ; c1987. (E)/TP3/60
113 The Shock and vibration digest. 0583-1024 Dept. of Defense, Navy Dept., Naval Research Laboratory, Shock and Vibration Information Center. (E)/O32/3
114 The Sixth Meeting in Israel on Optical Engineering : proceedings : 19-21 December 1988, Tel Aviv,... 0819400734 SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, c1989. (E)/TB1/15
115 The South African mining and engineering journal. South African Mining Journal Syndicate (E)/TD8/30
116 The Structural Engineer : The Journal of the Institution of Structural Engineers 1466-5123 Batiste Publications, 1924-77; (E)/TU3/5
117 The Surgical clinics of North America. 0039-6109 W.B. Saunders, c1921- (E)/R6/11
118 science(year). 0193-4511 Ascience(year),Subcription Department (E)/N49/2
119 shock and wibration digest 1978- (E)/O32/2